Thursday, April 28, 2016

Graham's Workshop

Graham's Workshop is back! It's one of my personal favorites. AND my 117 silver was still there! from August! Here are some screenies.
 In this shot, I was saying that I was leaving the cave. In the bottom right, you saw someone saying the same thing! I swear this was not intended! 
 This picture shows my stuff. Cool, huh?  I was pretty pleased when my stuff was saved. When I was in the cave, I got two diamonds in a row! AAH!
In this Jamaa Journal, it says that the update will (hopefully) come in the next update! I LOVE THE CARNIVAL!!!! AAH!!!
And last but not least..... Edgy Raccoon!

In conclusion this update was small but I was really satisfied for some reason


Hey everyone! My name is Kitty and I'm a new author on this blog! I will post more soon! :3

Monday, April 25, 2016

Camera Roll Challenge

What's the 3rd, 12th, and 22nd thing in your camera roll?
Hmm.. Here goes nothing!

 Picture 1:Me!
Picture 2: I won a giveaway. I'm viconhic. First time winnings giveaway, so happy! :3:
Picture 3: An error in writing. I was reading Boys of Wartime and it said r ound instead of round :O

Face Reveal! °=°

It's time I did a face reveal because why not? Enjoy my face and speculate my age in the comments below OuO
And I recently did a q and a on my SECRER channel (starts with a j) so here's it in word form! At least, some of them.
1. Dating anyone? Yes.
2. How long? Almost a year
3. Favorite TV show? I have a lot. I guess My Little Pony. It's a show for everyone!
4. Favorite country? Japan. The pagodas are amazing.
5. Are you self confident? Yes I am! I'm confident that I'm beautiful and all that muffinstuff.
6. Can I see your teeth (Courtesy of Ari Belloan, my Bae)?


 There you are ladies and gentlemen! Thanks for reading this fab thingy!
Mai Singing Monsters! Okai this is so weird, like how am I supposed to light the torches? Anyone play this game? :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Hot Glue Guns

Ha, ha. What am I still doing here? Well, I honestly don't know. I just wanted to tell a funny story.
Yesterday in my Art Class we were doing a project involving stuffed animals. We were cutting off parts of some and placing them on others (reminds me of the book Unwind). Anyways, we had the option use a hot glue gun to get the parts on, or stitching. Now, knowing the person that I am (horrible graphics editor, an insult to the artistic community, bad at stitching, etc.), I decided to use the Hot Glue Gun. And guess what? Yep, you got it! I burnt my left index finger. For a second I thought "oh crap", and then I couldn't stop it. I accidentally pressed the glue gun even more, causing it to spread all over my left hand. I set the Glue Gun down and the teacher, who we'll call Ms. L, told me to run it under cold water. But I turned on the hot water- steaming hot water- and I quickly removed my hand from it. From then on, I just went back to my seat and laughed. I think my hand kept throbbing for hours after, but then it stopped. And I guess that's the end of this story. BUH BYE

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


I forgot my founder's prize! Here it


PW Prize

From now on, I will only be able to do PW and Puffin AJ posts. Today, I will FINALLY be getting my founde's prize in Play Wild! This came up...

 Mmm yass! I will buy 100 sapphires sooner or later...
EDIT: Just bought them!
 I think all those prizes have to end with this post... Goodbye!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


There's good news and bad news.
GOOD NEWS: I finally drew something on other than MS Paint, shown above. It's a self portrait! Yes, one side of the hair IS supposed to look thicker. I"M STARING FROM THE SIDE PEEPS xD
Bad news ;'c
As you know, my laptop died. Forever. I won't be able to post many AJ or game related things. This computer cannot process the game. It's too fast. No videos either. :cccccccccc
I'm sorry. I will try to repair the computer.
Random fact!
Dang it! Hey, it doesn't say that studies show it. aqhahahahahahahaaa


Tuesday, April 5, 2016


It's green, horn-like, and... Spiky! For a pricy price of 1,00 gems, it is available at Jam Mart Clothing today only! Unfortunately, I CANNOT FIND IT THERE AGAIN!?
Please AJHQ, I see it on my other accounts, but not here.. Fix this glitch! Please :c

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Unpopular Opinions

Taken from real jammers! (I did a survey :T) The names used are animal names for privacy
"I actually like the bigger dens more, like the sky kingdom is really good and I hate the small house" - Leaping Glamivy

"One of my spare accounts is nothing but wolves and arctics" - Teensy Sneezywolf (Haha, fun animal name pick!)

"I scammed necklaces. Yep. I had nothing better to do so I scammed a necklace from a new jammer, who was really angry that I took it" -Duchess Tinymonkey

"I wrote a letter to AJHQ explaining lynxes were bad" -Daredevil Kookyseal

"Sometimes I trade someone a huge overtrade, such as a Founder for Aviators and accept, but then, when they say yes, I cancel on the second one" -Anonymous

"My sister makes me play Animal Jam so I pretend to like it, and I HATE IT!" -Grand Sportyclaw

All of these were submitted on my website at: in the RIG opinions section. GOOO check it out!

Friday, April 1, 2016


I'm quitting. AJ is kind of geared to younger kids. I've been trying to post on this blog, but it's not fun. IT'S BORING. The rare item Mondays suck, and the items are even worse, and every update is a pony update. I'm well past the "age zone" now, and yeah.. I guess I'm too old and capril foolsn't enjoy AJ properly. The animals are always in the diamond shop, and every pet and den item requires a membership. The membership rates have gone up and it costs twenty dollars now. It's a ripoff!


अरे, यो यहाँ मलाई छ। म भन्न चाहनुहुन्छ ....
ह्याप्पी अप्रिल दिन मान्छे!
पशु जाम आनंद, अप्रिल फूल पार्टी लगभग गएको छ



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