Thursday, March 31, 2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I've had an insanely busy week.. I only have a couple of minutes, so better wrap up pretty quick.
Today's new item is a fun leaf rug. I got three diamonds three days in a row, and this day broke the spell. Oh well!
Did you know that it's hard to doge all of the dog memes? ;) (NO)
 Have some, uh turkey. But I don't think there's a language called Geek. They probably meant Greek. Or they wanted to confuse you. Huh!
Naw, rares don't matter. It's the quality of the jammers that matter most.
Goodbye jammers!

Monday, March 28, 2016


When I went on AJ, the rare horned leg pads were not there. Oh well?

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Fakeparri! Luckily, Fakeparri admitted that she is fake :D
I like those kind of people :p
 With my friends brendenaurie and esiab.

I also made a new music video! So how was your Easter?  Did you know that in Greece you eat lamb's stomach soup? Or that in Vatican there are plays? And the tickets are free, but limited? (source: result for easter bilbyions-around-world GO READ IT)
In Australia, we have Easter Blbies! Bilbies. What a silly word. EAT THE CHOCOLATE BILBIESSSSSSS!
Next year, Easter falls on April 16. Have a great Easter, my friends!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

                                                                   A baffling photo.
Sorry I didn't post yesterday! It feels like everyone is coming over for Easter. I randomly saw Meloetta385 today.
 Okkkayy! It was pretty random. Today's new item is the Shutter Shades. Who remembers the rare shutter shades?Image result for animal jam rare shutter shades #TBT 
I never liked them hahaha.  More random facts. Coool o-o
Sorry about this short post, more people are coming over!

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Animal Jam is being updated, and we are put into Draa. Many people are saying it's going to be dumb. One jammer said that hyenas are coming back. What's your idea? It's probably just a small update. Nothing too important :p People treat it like it's the end of the world. Here is our almost daily fact.Image result for sand facts When in danger, wheel spider is rolling away with over 40 rotations per second. WOW. Uhh, not sure what to say, Mr. Wheel Spider. XDImage result for emoji gif Me, looking at this weird but cool fact. Oh! Today's new item is another rug. Ugh! Oh well, RUGMANIA2K16.
I am now gonna run, see you later :O

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hullo ^-^
Today's new item is... Daisy Table and Round Glasses...? Maybe to soak in all of that sun? Hmm!
Today, I will be doing an "essay" on rare spiked collars, also called spikes (thanks to cheesy8 and ravenpaw12 for this!). They're overrated. Image result for emoji I had to put that big fat emoji in. They come in the colors:
BLUE, RED, BLACK, YELLOW, PINK, ORANGE, GREEN, and PURPLE. They come in "short" and "long" varieties, and people say that the "long" variety is better and rarer. There are also non rare, diamond shop versions of the spiked collars. They are least rarer but still desired anyways (and easier to obtain).
The "good" colors are: Blue, red, black, and purple. The rest are not as rare as these.
This is it for today, please please enjoy your day, and goodbye!

Monday, March 21, 2016

RIM Review

Today, I got a new membership. Yay ^O^ You can watch my SL video on my channel.
Today was such a good day! I got yellow sweets, a pink purse in TFD ground chest, an emu egg, and otter, and more! Okay, RIM.
 Expensive, but I like! Here is my horse with it:
 *dramatic head whip*
With this animal, I used a purple jamaaliday scarf, and obviously the flower crown. The horse was in light colors (grey and purple) to represent the cool of spring. I used a green swirl pattern, because it kinda looked like flowers :3
Originality: 6/10 Coolness: 5/10 Price 10/10
I hope you enjoyed! Tune in next week for another RIM Review!

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Hullo! Today, I will be giving 5 trivia questions. See if you can answer them all! WARNING: THESE ARE HARD BECAUSE I CAME UP WITH THEM MYSELF.
1. How many types of tombstones are in Animal Jam, including the underwater ones?
2. Which den item was released on May 16, 2013, and is at the Jam session party?
3. How many felines are there on Animal Jam?
4. How many animals have an exclusive pattern?
5. Which item was created by an jammer called "Pouncing Fieryspirit?"
6. Is "SandMan" a furniture item?
7. Can Spiked Collars do damage in adventures?
8. How many channels can the frog TV play?
9. What does Edmund mean? (Yes, it's AJ related)
10. Where can the Dracula Cape be found?
I will upload this to YouTube, too.
Have a good day, jammers!

Saturday, March 19, 2016


I bring you with Easter facts! Whatever! Who's still eating their Easter treats? I sure am! I will be organizing an Easter Egg Hunt on Friday, so obviously I'm eating mine. Today's new item is
 Meh. It looks okay. Hey, at least it's NM :D
 I redecorated my den, too. Unlocked for today only! GO CHECK IT OUT
Bye guys,


Friday, March 18, 2016

Animal Mystery

 I was on Animal Jam Spirit today, and I saw this. What IS this animal? It looks like a lynx and a fox mixed into one. Is it possible a new animal? Or a random doodle that did not mean anything? Pizza lynx! Hahaha

Thursday, March 17, 2016

I'm sorry!

I TOTALLY FORGOT TO POST!!! I WAS JUST SO BUSY AND... Oh. I'm aqfully sorry :'c
Anyways, with this update, we have lots of new things! But again, it's pretty useless. I didn't get a Raw Reactions in this because it's a pony update XD
Here are some websites to make up for the update: (This one's weird!)
Animal Jam also gave us two new items.Today's new itemToday's other new item (Credit to the Animal Jam Flash
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Are you wearing green? I sure am!
 Yes, I have writing on my hand. Deal with it.
I think that's all for today! Goodbye!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Needs Ideas

Hey jammers! Today, I will be presenting you with a weird post (I missed RIM Review because the Rare Item Monday was pretty much the same thing as the clover sunglasses). I need ideas. I don't just want a post explaining daily items. I try to make it free of the "Animal Jam Spirit Blog" style, because it just doesn't make sense, to make a long post about one or two items. Soo I need some new, fresh ideas! Any ideas will be taken into consideration. I'm as open as it gets! To get a reply, head over to my channel Jewdig Lamb and share your ideas.
On a surprising note.. We have no new items today. AJHQ's probably going to make a big update this week. So I can have la Raw Reactions. ;p
I also made what I call a "Pi Animal."
 Wait... Where IS my cheetah? Hullo? Hullo? Oh, there it is!
The Pi Animal in its natural habitat, the school.
Aaand that is all for today! I hope you liked my entertaining post.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Pi Day

Pi Day. It's cool, but I wish it was for 1 year only (last year).
 All of these NON-MEMBER items are for sale!
 We have a new item, too! It is a delish pie pi hat :O
I wonder if it has an animation, I sure hope it does. Here's a cool pi website: (clock the link to go to the website)
It's really cool :O
What did you guys learn about pi today? Comment down below!
Until next time,

Sunday, March 13, 2016


The picture glitched! AGAIN. Ehh good enough.
Today's new item is.. A fabulous clover balloon! Have a fun balloon fact :)
 Today I got my second rare spiked collar! It's a yellow long one. I don't think I'll wear it. (I traded)
Now, it's time for me to go to Lucky Clovers! If I finish, I will update you on it.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

A Dissappointing Round

Very dissappointing. I already had those!
Hello! Today's new item is a funny looking pixelated tiger head!
Okay, moving on!
 Oopy doopy shamrock vines! :O
 This is soooo sweet!
The lucky day stuff is leaving.. Weird. I made a new den!
It will be unlocked today only!
User: Shewolfroxy
I will now play lucky clovers, cya

Friday, March 11, 2016

Lucky Clovers Run-Through

With this method, I got every single clover. First, I tried checking a clover off every time I got one, but no, it took too long and I was confused. So I graphed everything into sections and hey, I got every single one without having to fly over the map again! I finished in less than 20 minutes :D
Just in time for lunch.
 Something to ruin your appetite
You're welcome